Science projects

  • Coevolution of bacteria an bacteriophages; 

A postdoc project at  Jagiellonian University in Cracow supervised by Dr Rafal Mostowy.

I will be looking at how diversity within phages and bacteria emerge during their coevolution.

  • Mathematical modelling of microbial interactions;

PhD project, University of Exeter, supervised by  Professor Ivana Gudelj and Professor Robert Beardmore

This project consists of examining why and how social behaviour  and cooperation may appear in nature. I study microorganisms, focusing on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, my research questions are much wider than that, and ask about the origin of cooperation in general.

More details can be found here

  • Mathematical modelling of DNA damage and repair;

Post Bachelor Program, University of Heidelberg, supervised by Professor Willi Jaeger,  acknowledgements to Professor  Anna Marciniak-Czochra.

Damage accumulation in human cells is believed to be one of the main mechanisms that lead to ageing and age-related diseases, such as cancer. In this project I worked on a mathematical model of DNA damage and of mechanisms underlying that process..

More details can be found here

  • Existence of solutions of some problems for a generalised porous
    media equation;

Master Thesis project, Wroclaw University of Technology, supervised by Dr Hab. Jan Goncerzewicz, acknowledgements to Professor Grzegorz Karch

In this project I worked on the porous media equation with fractional laplacian. Fractional laplacian is an integral operator representing the Levy flights (or superdiffusion). This kind of mobility is often found in nature, however majority of mathematical models describe only the Brownian motion, neglecting the super- or sub- diffusive phenomena. Therefore, studies on known diffusion problems (such as porous media equation) in the case of superdiffusion are very important for accuracy of mathematical modelling.